Ardipithecus and Eve

They call her “Ardi” and judge her, at 4.4 million years old, to be the oldest intact skeleton of an ancestor to humans discovered yet. ardipithecus.jpgDiscovered in Ethiopia, she’s all the news, not least because she’s different from the chimps that many scientists had thought we humans evolved from, so many millions of years ago. Ardi wasn’t a knuckle-dragger, but she probably did spend lots of time in trees (the thumb-like appendage among her toes makes it likely that she could climb pretty well.) She most certainly walked upright.

Science is a paradoxically humble endeavor — theories can never be proven to be true, but they can be proven false. Science proceeds in this manner of discovery, evaluation and reevaluation that has made it vulnerable to the charge that “those scientists don’t really know what they’re doing.” Therefore anything goes. But not everything goes.

I suppose that some creationists, determined to understand the Bible exactly as they read it (usually in English translation) will see as vindication the way that Ardi makes scientists rethink assumptions about human evolution. But of course it’s much more complicated than simply filling in the blanks of human certainty in science with a different kind of human certainty based on interpretations of biblical texts.

I am especially interested in the ways that millions of other Bible believers reconcile their faith with the acceptance of scientific theories such as that of evolution. How do you?

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